ProdFund 1.2: Intro to Iteration
Iterative & Incremental Development got its start in classic early 20th century manufacturing and evolved through pioneering NASA projects into an important precursor of how we work today.
ProdFund 1.1: Chasing Waterfalls
To understand why we make software the way that we do, we start from the beginning, with the earliest programmable computers, exponential growth, NATO's first "software engineers," and Winston Royce's articulation of the Waterfall.
New project: Product Fundamentals
I've written, recorded, and produced a podcast about the history of software development, called Product Fundamentals. Check it out!
Tips for preparing to move to Japan
Beyond readying your the packing list and brushing up on Japanese phrases, there are a few things to do at home to prepare for a smooth transition into Japanese life.
Building your emergency fund in Japan
Establishing an ample emergency fund is critical to personal financial security, but it's a little more complicated for foreigners in Japan.
Can Americans in Japan use NISA accounts?
Americans can take advantage of Japan's NISA program -- but it requires walking a narrow path.
All in the timing
There's an apparently-false story that occasionally makes the round among lefty circles that some branch of the US
The Machine That Changed the World
"The Machine That Changed the World" was the Toyota Production System, the archetypal lean manufacturing system. Does that machine have anything to do with lean software?
Singapore and Malaysia reflections
As the transitional decompression activity between my previous role as technical product manager at Indeed and my new role as